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Note: Minimum order value €92,95
Note: Minimum order value €92,95

Anode Blog

  • Anodernas Roll i Skyddet mot Korrosion för Båtar och Fartyg
    March 20, 2024

    The Role of Anodes in Protecting Boats and Ships from Corrosion

    Making the correct choice of sacrificial anodes for your boat or ship requires considering the type of water it will be in, the type of surface coating, and the specific components that need protection, such as the hull, propeller, rudder, and trim tabs. The type of water environment is critical in choosing the right material for the anodes to ensure effective protection against corrosion.
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  • Anodbäddar inom katodiskt skydd skyddar metallstrukturer från korrosion
    May 3, 2023

    Anode Bags: Cathodic Protection under ground

    Cathodic protection is a necessary corrosion prevention technique used in many industries, including oil and gas, marine, and construction. Anode beds are a crucial component of cathodic protection systems and offer a reliable and cost-effective method to protect metal structures from corrosion. Read more in our blog post about how you can protect metal structures from corrosion.
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  • Förstå beräkning av anoder för fartyg: Hur du skyddar ditt fartyg från korrosion
    March 4, 2023

    Understand the calculation of anodes for ships: How to protect your ship from corrosion

    The maritime industry is one of the most corrosion -exposed industries, and corrosion on vessels and other marine constructions can lead to serious consequences. To protect these structures from corrosion, the use of sacrificials is crucial. Anodes are available in several materials, but zinc is the most common sacrifice used on ships and other marine structures. By using the right amount of zinc anodes in the right places, you can protect the hull and other parts of the vessel from corrosion. However, it is important to use the right amount and type of sacrificial codes to effectively protect the vessel.

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  • Förståelse för offeranoder i sötvatten: Varför magnesiumanoder är ett lämpligt val
    March 2, 2023

    Understanding fresh water anodes: Why magnesium anodes are an appropriate choice

    Boat owners know how important it is to maintain their ship to prevent corrosion and extend its life. An important part of boat maintenance is the use of anodes. Anodes are sacrificial metals installed on boats to protect other metal components from corrosion. But with so many different types of anodes available, how do you know which one to choose for freshwater use? 

    In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of using magnesium anodes for freshwater boats and how they can help you protect your investment for many years to come.

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